Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks kid!

Today, I was driving home from class, feeling pretty dandy about the weather being so blustery and splendid. I was sitting in a line of cars and, being the curious human that I am, I found myself scanning the faces in the adjacent vehicles. My panoramic gaze stopped short on the face of a smiling little black kid, probably ten or eleven. His face was squeezed between his seatbelt and the window, as he tried to look back at me from his position in the front seat. His brother was sitting in the back seat, probably a little older. Being the weirdo that I am, I made a face at the former taking advantage of one of my many hidden talents. He started laughing hysterically, and then dropped coyly underneath the window. I pretended to forget, and took a swig of water as I saw him creep up, eyes first, from his hiding place. When I looked again, he was wearing a mile-wide smile, and waving. I waved back vigorously, excited about this new secret friendship. This went on for quite a while, as I passed them, and vice versa. Finally, our paths began to split, and as I glanced over my shoulder, I saw his little hands pop out of the window, shaking with fervor as we exchanged a last blow fish face and laughter on both our parts. It may sound corny but it's amazing how good I feel now! I really wish that it didn't take a child's mindset to make eye contact with a stranger. C'mon guys, it's a new generation. "We will prevail."


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This blog has been created in the name of remembrances and sharing. With the right amount of care, it should provide recently tried recipes, crafts, daily comings and goings and, overall, reflections on life. A few rants may take place here, and therefore, consider yourself forewarned.

Lorem Ipsum

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