Friday, January 1, 2010


I feel like I'm finally finding my nitch in the ladder. I am on my way, at the very least. At one point, and still quite often, I found my outward personality a bit of a nuisance. I'm not a terrible person by any means, but I've been annoying myself fairly often, and it's been bothersome in many ways to me, personally. I feel like I try to be too many people; I'm constantly changing dependent on whose company I'm in, attempting to be the people-pleaser, the friend to all. I've found myself to be somewhat loud and obnoxious at times, perhaps attempting to impress others, or force them to hear my observations, and hee-haw laughter, but recently I feel as if I am finally getting back to the soul of Mikala, of what I truly am. I'm not always jumping into conversations anymore. I am finding time to read, and to do puzzles. I am listening to more music than ever, and riding my bicycle to the beat of a sparrow's wings. I am becoming more of an individual, and enjoying my own presence rather than clinging to those of others. It's peaceful, and allows me to think about what I really want, or expect, out of myself and life, what characteristics I intend to embody. I am certainly not at total ease with myself at this point, but I am getting more comfortable with myself, and with my ideals in life. I am my own friend and I am happy when we're together.


About This Blog

This blog has been created in the name of remembrances and sharing. With the right amount of care, it should provide recently tried recipes, crafts, daily comings and goings and, overall, reflections on life. A few rants may take place here, and therefore, consider yourself forewarned.

Lorem Ipsum

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